Sushi Links offers the best sushi resources on the web, as well as information on the history of sushi, pointers on sushi etiquette, and answers to frequently asked questions concerning sushi. You'll also find links to websites that offer a wide assortment of sushi recipes (and our very own, below). If you get lost use our Site Map.
Heures d'ouverture - Opening hours
Lundi a Vendredi Monday to Friday 10:00 - 19:00
Samedi Saturday 10:00 - 18:00
Dimanche Sunday 10:00 - 17:00
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Exclusive Sushi Recipes Collection!
We are adding new sushi recipes every few days so keep checking back. These recipes are from one of Miyamoto's own renowned sushi chefs and will help you create the most amazing sushi rolls.
Sushi Rice Recipe Often, up to 80% of product consumed during a sushi meal is rice. Getting your sushi rice right is a crucial element in successful sushi making at home. The proper preparation of the rice is so important that in our shop as well as most quality establishments there are chefs whose sole responsibility is to cook the rice.
California Roll Recipe Originally "California" rolls referred to the use of avocados in sushi makis. Today, the inside/out [rice on the outside] categorizes a California roll more than its contents. Garnishing the outside rice covering of California rolls offers the opportunity to add wonderful color and texture to your sushi presentation. Enjoy!
Philadelphia Roll Recipe - Philly Roll A very popular roll is the Philadelphia Roll, or Philly Roll, named after the popular brand name cream cheese. It is a great combination of flavors and many of our clients like to have it for breakfast!
Japanese Sunomono Salad
This dish serves as a great accompaniment to most Japanese meals. Sunomono translates into English roughly as vinegared food. The following recipe is both light and refreshing. It is particularly good to eat in the hot summer months.
Cucumber Roll Recipe For a refreshing departure from the sushi-in-seaweed theme, try wrapping your rice roll in cucumber! Cutting a good cucumber wrap is a bit tricky, but don't be daunted - it just takes a bit of practice to get it right.
Healthy Brown Rice & Shrimp Cones Here's a very delicious shrimp and brown rice recipe that is also full of goodness! This is an informal variation that brown rice lovers in Montreal came up with. It is fast and requires no particular expertise.
Miyamoto Cooking Classes
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Sushi Workshops
Miyamoto offers workshops for individuals to learn how to make delicious and beautiful plates of sushi. Classes are held every Sunday, except for holiday weekends. The classes consist of a single 4 1/2-hour intensive workshop that are designed to teach you how to make sushi from scratch.
Separate classes are held for English and for French.
Classes can be arranged for private groups.
There are a maximum of 12 students per class, and each student has their own workstation.
Classes are led by professional sushi chefs that come from the top sushi restaurants in Montreal.
Classes are $86.95 (plus taxes) per person.
We also offer Private Courses, Professional Consultation, and Private Parties.
Please reserve 3-6 weeks in advance.
"A great big THANK YOU! What a great night! I will definitely be recommending you guys for other events!"
— Tamara
To pay by Visa or Mastercard please call (514) 481-1952.
Miyamoto News Sushi and Cooking Classes
RESERVE NOW Miyamoto Foods is now accepting reservations for the following Sushi and Cooking Classes:
PRIVATE LESSONS it is recommended you have some experience with sushi making, or have taken a Level 1 class with us before.

Iwachu cast iron teapots
A TREASURE IS something to be valued highly for its beauty, usefulness, history and timeless quality that hold it’s appeal, generation after generation. A treasure need not cost a great deal; it simply needs to be cherished.
IWACHU TEAPOTS - For 80 years, the Iwachu Company of Morioka has been Japan's foremost producer of cast iron wares praised worldwide for their beauty, strength, and superb quality.
Today, Iwachu marries traditional craftsmanship with modern technology to cast a broad array of treasures that perform better than ever in terms of beauty, ease of use, care, and durability. Frequently copied and imitated, the original Iwachu iron ware is built to last for generations.
Click here to visit the Iwachu page.
This DVD is better than most sushi books! A unique experience!
The SUSHI'S SECRETS DVD is a fun, easy and entertaining way for you to learn how to make delicious sushi at home. Never before has an authentic Japanese Sushi chef and instructor revealed his 20 years of know-how like this. Following the step-by-step instructions you will be amazed by your own results. You'll enjoy rolling your own sushi and you'll also be able to delight your family and friends. 65 minutes of video! PLUS A FREE NUTRITION CHART!
Learn more on our Sushi DVD Page How To Make Sushi - Sushi Making DVD SUSHI'S SECRETS

MameNori Soy Bean Wrappers For Making Sushi
Mame Nori is the perfect solution for sushi lovers who may be allergic or have a distaste for regular seaweed nori. Mame Nori is a high-quality sushi wrapper that is made from 100% soy beans. Mame Nori also comes in 6 beautiful colors, so that you can add an artistic touch to your sushi rolls.
Soy protein is of the highest quality, but without the cholesterol and saturated fat. It can be the sole source of protein, without causing any nutritional imbalance.
Learn more on our Mame Nori Sushi Wrappers Page
NEW - Sushi Magic Sushi Maker - The Ultimate Sushi Making Kit
 Sushi Magic is the world's best home sushi maker! Acclaimed by home users and chefs alike, Sushi Magic is a complete sushi making system that really works. Each kit includes two sushi makers in one attractive gift box, free sushi lessons with techniques and secrets for making great sushi, and where to find and how to prepare sushi grade fish, seafood, and ingredients.
See our online demos!
SUSHI POSTER NOW AVAILABLE! Many people have asked us to sell a sushi poster and we have a great one for you from Kikkoman. Go to our new Sushi Poster page for popup pictures of the Sushi Poster and an easy form to use to order your Sushi Poster and ORDER NOW to receive FREE SHIPPING!
Sushi Question of the Month for Wesley Miyamoto
I am pregnant and want to know if it is ok to eat Sushi during this time?
Bibi Björnstrand, Sweden
Wesley Miyamoto replies:
Underlying bacteria in raw fish can be hazardous and some parasite infections can cause terrible flu-like conditions, which can lead to a miscarriage. So unless you feel 100% confident about your favorite sushi shop or restaurant, it is best to avoid eating raw fish or shell fish during a pregnancy. But remember - there are many other cooked items and rolls that one can eat during this time, such as California rolls, smoked salmon, etc.
I have found some informative articles concerning this issue, and list them below.
Best regards,
Wesley Miyamoto
Columbia University - The health risks of sushi and pregnancy.
WebMD - Can you eat seafood when pregnant?
Links To Articles On Pregnancy And Sushi
Many people have been asking about pregnancy and sushi and so we have developed a separate page exclusively for this subject. Please visit the pregnancy and sushi page for links to an assortment of interesting articles.
• If you have a question for Wesley Miyamoto, please send it by using our contact form.
Previous sushi questions can be found in our Sushi Question of the Month - Archives Page.
Zojirushi Home Bakery Supreme Bread Machine - Home Breadmaking Machine
You can buy the Zojirushi Home Bakery Supreme Bread Machine at Amazon.com (check for super discounted pricing).
The Zojirushi Home Bakery Supreme Bread Machine is a state-of-the-art bread maker that combines a range of automatic controls with easily tailored options. Its 10 cycles are designed for making everything from wheat bread to cinnamon rolls and can also be put to work for non-bread items like cakes, fruit jam, and homemade meatloaf.
Versatile controls let you use the dough-only function or make a loaf from start to finish, and handy programming options include a sourdough starter, a 2-hour quick-baking cycle, and three crust settings.
The timer allows you to set all controls up to 13 hours ahead, and three memory settings store your most-used recipes.
Built with a durable plastic body, the Zojirushi Home Bakery Supreme Bread Machine has many structural plusses, including twin kneading paddles, a broad viewing window, and an angled control panel. A welcome alternative to the cylinder-shaped bread maker pans, the nonstick baking pan here turns out traditionally shaped, 2-pound loaves. Streamlined and manageable, the unit measures 16-3/4 by 12 by 8-1/2 inches and comes with a detailed manual, a recipe booklet, and a how-to video. Zojirushi includes a limited 1-year warranty.
Sushi News
Nuclear Radiation Fallout In Food From Japan And Sushi Fish From Japan
After an earthquake and tsunami damaged the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station plant in Japan, people started to worry about radiation in sushi fish. One step that people are taking is to start to buy fish caught in Southwestern Japan instead of Northeastern Japan, where the radiation disaster at the nuclear facility occurred. FDA officials in America say fish that is coming from Japan is being screened for radiation before it's being made available to the marketplace. This will most likely affect the availability of some Yellowtail and some Snapper. Fish less likely to be affected are Tuna and Salmon, as they usually come from suppliers in the United States and Europe. Read our special page - Nuclear Radiation Fallout In Food From Japan And Sushi Fish From Japan.
NEW YORK (November 12, 2008) Select Registry: Distinguished Inns of North America, an organization comprised of the best B&Bs and inns in North America, has announced the winners in the innkeeper category of its celebrated culinary competition, “The Inn-Credible Breakfast Cook-Off,” designed to recognize the best “inn” breakfast in North America. Inn at Riverbend of Pearisburg took the GOLD with its “Breakfast Sushi,” submitted by Linda Hayes and Eric Hanson.
“Breakfast Sushi” was the result of brainstorming over the summer months. Since Eric eats sushi weekly, the team decided to try the concept of sushi to create a new menu item with the wrapper being a different “vessel” to deliver breakfast flavors similar to Eggs Benedict. Using flavored soy wrappers rather than traditional nori diminishes the strong flavor of the seaweed. Virginia country ham makes one of them a perfect Colonial roll! (READ THE FULL RECIPE!)
Unwrapping The Raw Truth About Americanized Sushi
(This article includes a very good nutritional breakdown of popular sushi items.)
While traditional sushi with raw fish is nutritionally impressive, it's a mistake to think sushi is a total dietary bargain. Just for the record, sushi does not mean raw fish. Sushi specifically refers to dishes made with vinegared rice, which traditionally includes fish (often raw) and/or vegetables, wrapped in seaweed. So the basic ingredients in sushi make it sound healthful and "calorically light," but that just isn't the case when you take American eating habits into account.
[read full story]
Latest Greatest Sushi Book
 Sushi for Dummies is a great sushi primer for those who want to Learn to make perfect sushi rice and the 10 most popular types of sushi today, including hand rolls, finger sushi, and sliced sushi rolls. And the recipes work beautifully! Sushi bar favorites like California Rolls, Rainbow Rolls, Spicy Tuna Hand Rolls - they're all here. Plus great information on what - and how - to order the very best sushi in sushi bars.
Mineko Takane Moreno, born and raised in Tokyo, received her degree in French literature. Her love of food has inspired a lifelong education in many cuisines, including Japanese, Chinese, French, and Italian. Moving to San Diego in 1973, she began teaching Japanese cuisine, with a specialty in sushi. She currently teaches dozens of sushi classes a year at seven culinary schools, including Macy’s, Williams-Sonoma, and Sur la Table.
Judi Strada has a bachelor’s degree in Russian studies, which led her to study other cultures through their foods. She was the food consultant and spokesperson for The Sheraton World Cookbook and The Culinary Festival Cookbook and coauthor of The Best of San Diego.
Stuffed with tips and tricks you’ll roll, press, and mold sushi like a pro!
From rolling sushi properly to presenting it with pizzazz, this book has everything you need to know to impress your friends with homemade maki-sushi (rolls) and nigiri-sushi (individual pieces). You’ll find over 55 recipes from Tuna Sushi Rice Balls to Rainbow Rolls, plus handy techniques to demystify the art of sushi making and make it fun!
Available at Amazon.com Visit our Sushi Bookstore for more books.
Links To Articles On Sushi and Pregnancy
Many people have been asking about pregnancy and sushi and so we have developed a separate page exclusively for this subject. Please visit the sushi and pregnancy page for links to an assortment of interesting articles.
Latest Sushi Websites
Double Brush Inventor of hand-rolled sushi candles, and the recently developed nigiri-style sushi soap.
Sushi Suki? Explores why American and Japanese sushi are different. Also offers table manners.
Chef Matisse Sushi guide, products and ingredients by celebrity Chef Matisse Selman.
Sushi Secrets features recipes, and a great Japanese language guide.
Vegan Sushi Party offers 4 great recipes, plus tips on makiing sushi.
Sushi Ichiban in Omaha, Nebraska. Look for the video clip of a sushi master in action.
Also see Yummi Sushi, just launched. Offers recipes and a history of sushi.
Miyamoto News - Sushi Pictures
To see some sushilicious photos, visit the Miyamoto Sushi Photo Gallery.
Sushi Links Website News
Below is news about the latest updates to our various sections, including some fabulous new sushi guides in our sushi tips section, and some new titles in our books section. But first we start with our Question of the Month for Wesley Miyamoto. Enjoy! |
Most people associate the word sushi with raw fish maybe because many sushi varieties are prepared using some type of fish or seafood. But actually, sushi is the marriage of vinegar rice to other ingredients. This section features links to the history of sushi, to sushi terms, to sushi etiquette, and to nutritional facts about sushi. You'll also find resources to locate the best Japanese Restaurants in the world, and our own recommendations concerning sushi restaurants in Montreal. [GO] |
Sushi Recipes |
This section features our own Special Recipe for sipcy tuna, along with links to dozens of wonderful sushi recipes, including Spicy Tuna Roll, California Roll, Inside Out Rolls (Ura Maki), Shrimp Tempura Roll, California Special, Alaskan Roll, and Scattered Sushi. You'll also find links to sites that feature recipe archives for you to browse. [GO] |
Sushi Tips |
We have some great tips from sushi chef Matisse, our guest chef this month! Also learn the proper way to use chopsticks. Learn how to make Nigiri-sushi (sushi rice with a slice of fish on top) and Maki-sushi (a roll with seaweed outside) with some excellent step-by-step photo-guides we discovered at The Sushi Guide website. [GO] |
Sushi FAQ |
What are the different kinds of sushi? What is sashimi? What are those other things I see on my plate? What do all these words mean? Find the answers to all these questions, plus many more, in our sushi FAQ section. [GO] |
Sushi Books |
We've collected an assortment of the very best sushi books on the market, and linked them to Amazon.com so you can learn more about them with one click. [GO] |
Contact Us |
We'd like to hear from you and encourage you to send us any comments, suggestions, or questions you may have. Just fill out our Online Form and we will get back you very quickly. You may also use the Online Form to submit a sushi website you would like us to feature. [GO] |
Visit Miyamoto |
Miyamoto Foods is a full-service Japanese retail & wholesale food distributor that provides fresh sushi daily for individual take-out, as well as for institutions and catering companies in Quebec, Ontario, Vermont, New York and Eastern Canada. [GO] |